Last Frontiers' articles for Ecuador (all categories)
Showing posts 17 to 19 of 19
Last Frontiers Newsletter #2 August 2003
We would like to thank you for all the positive feedback following our first newsletter, sent in April. As promised we are back again with some news and updates from the travels of the Last Frontiers team, the Latin American specialists.In this edition: News from Last Frontiers Fishing Trekking... Read more»
South American Handbook
Footprint Travel guides. Published regularly since 1924. This is the bible, even though you have to take all the countries with you. The individual country versions are on thicker paper with more background information, but the travel information is just as good in this book and worth investing in,... Read more»
Lonely Planet
We do not recommend Lonely Planet for South America - they are generally out of date and quite opinionated. Read more»