Cruceros Australis
Ushuaia to Punta Arenas (Ushuaia, Argentina)
Cruceros Australis operates cruises between Punta Arenas and Ushuaia, and vice versa, through the fjords and glaciers of Tierra del Fuego, usually calling at Cape Horn (subject to weather).
Their ship options are described on this page: www.lastfrontiers.com/hotels/chile/punta-arenas/crucerosaustralis
Client comments and reviews
Stella Australis exceeded our expectations. Everything about this trip was brilliant - the staff, the guides, the food, the cabin, the ship, the presentations. We would recommend this to anybody.
- RM (January 2017)
Via Australis has really good sized accommodation, pretty good food, excellent guides and 'entertainment' staff. We were unable to land at Cape Horn due to 117 mph winds and the stretches of open sea crossings were quite rough. We saw little of the mountains but the landings were good and glaciers amazing.
- MR (November 2013)
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